Participation au JERICO Plankton Workshop, 27/09/2016 30/09/2016, Göteborg, Suède
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Melilotus THYSSEN and Gérald GREGORI have attended the JERICO Plankton Workshop at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden.
It was dedicated to the Participants in JERICO-NEXT work packages 3.1 and 4.1 and a few other invited persons
The aims of the workshop were : • To improve the understanding of plankton diversity, spatial and temporal distribution and the development of algal blooms in the sea. Harmful algae will be in focus. • To exchange experiences of using devices aimed at automated observations of phytoplankton including harmful algae. Instruments include multispectral fluorometers and spectrophotometers, automated flow cytometers and in situ video systems. • To compare the performance of different instruments on common natural and culture samples. • To promote cooperation and to plan future work in WP3.1 and 4.1.