Welcome to the Regional Flow Cytometry Platform (PRECYM) hosted by the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (OSU- Pytheas) !
PRECYM was created in 2005 with the support of a consortium of 6 Laboratories belonging to the Université de la Méditerranée, the CNRS, and the IRD in order to respond to a strong need for flow cytometry analyses by various teams working in the field of microbiology.
PRECYM centralises equipment and know-how, and makes this information available to the other laboratories. Our goal is to give researchers the opportunity to consider new approaches in their research, with the guarantee of having the best technical, economical, and scientific exploitations. In this way, external researchers do not have to invest time and money in very complex and expensive technology.
The range of flow cytometry applications in microbiology is very wide and therefore PRECYM works with microbiologists from various fields (aquatic sciences with marine and fresh water applications, biotechnology, etc…).