Very intensive weeks in China for Loïc, Laurina and myself, in Qingdao in the framework of our International Research Project (IRP) DYF2M co-supported by CNRS and CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences). We discussed with our friends from the Institute of Oceanology IOCAS the results of the BIOSWOT-MED Cruise 2023 in which Wuchang, Vanessa and Lily are associated. We also discussed a lot about flow cytometry as it is a key part of the project to characterize the microbial communities based on a single cell approach. We also prepared the next Chinese SWOT Cruise that will occur in August, in the Western Pacific (with the help of Sunny from Zealquest company in China). It is also part of the BIOSWOT-AdAC initiative. That was the opportunity to also meet and discuss with Professors from the Ocean Universtiy of China (OUC) and from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China.

These kind of international collaborations, at the heart of the BIOSWOT-AdAC initiative, are a must to combine our approaches from measurements in situ to remote sensing and models in various oceanic areas to better understand the coupling between physics and biodiversity at fine-scale.