G. Grégori a profité de son séjour à Qingdao (Chine) pour présenter un séminaire devant les membres de l’Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science (IOCAS) avec qui il collabore depuis 2005. Il portait sur les résultats préliminaires de la campagne Pré-BIOSWOT qui s’est déroulée en Avril-Mai 2018 en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale.
Voici le résumé de la présentation :
Conceived as a major new tool for climate studies, the US-French satellite mission SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) will observe the dynamics of the ocean upper layer at an unprecedented resolution of few km. During the fast-sampling phase, the coverage will be reduced, and the temporal resolution enhanced. This is an ideal opportunity – unique for many years to come – to structure the fine scale international community for a multi-site experiment which will complement the satellite observations with in situ data. Chinese laboratories, located in Qingdao are involved. This project aims not only at designing a fine-scale biophysical campaign in the Mediterranean but also at creating an international consortium so that fine scale in situ studies around the world will be in phase with SWOT and performed with a shared protocol. Chinese laboratories from Qingdao will be involved as well. The aim is to provide experimental evidence to fine scale studies (until now mostly based on model results) and in particular to shed light on the role of the ocean fine scales over the subduction of organic matter and on phytoplankton diversity. The PROTEUS-PREBIOSWOT cruise which took place in april/may 2018 consisted in new in-situ multiplatform measurements in the framework of the satellite mission SWOT. The aims, described in this presentation, were to provide feedback on a “multisatellite package”, gain experience in multi-platform, optimized multi-lateral campaign coordination, and to explore the dynamics present in this west Med SWOT crossover.
G. Gregori1, A. Doglioli1, M. Thyssen1, P. Garreau2, A. Pascual3, F. Dumas4, F. d’Ovidio5
1 MIO, Marseille, France
2 IFREMER, Brest, France
3 IMEDEA(CSIC-UIB), Esporles, Mallorca (Spain)
4 SHOM, Brest, France
5 LOCEAN, Paris, France