If you wish to modify the sample flow rate of your FACS Calibur, you can do it yourself. Here is the sequence : Remove the right…
Ce diaporama a été réalisé dans le cadre du Module 4 du DIU de cytométrie en recherche et en clinique organisé conjointement par l’Ecole pratique…
This lecture has been presented at the BD Biosciences Environmental Biology Workshop which took place at Barcelona (Spain), at the Institut de Sciences del Mar…
Utilities for chemical calculations. These include three programs that calculate data about entered chemical formulae. For example, if you enter : MW NaHCO3 the formula and…
Copyright (c) 2000 by Today Enterprises.Article published in Microscopy Today 00-1 pp. 8-12 (2000).Reproduced with permission. Formaldehyde, formalin, paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde :What they are and what…